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Modelling MadridRío

Proposal towers

The second part of the exercice consist of making three models about our proposal tower in MadridRío.

The plot is located next to La Riviera and it is about 2500 square metres. The proposal should include the previous part of the exercice, so the conceptual ideas of the towers should be related to it.

First diagrams and sketches were about Perceptions and Feelings, the way you feel MadridRío. That is the reason why the three models include senses on it. But how do you introduce them on it? While you go up into the tower, you cross through different levels and uses and each level is associated with one of the five senses, improving and focusing on it.

Also, I realized the importance of connecting towers with the users, because they are who feel and live MadridRío.

But the conclusion of this aprroach is that the concept is very hard and requires a tower which combines all these different typologies. Now it is neccessary to continue investigating on it to achieve a tower which sums up all the details.